Quickstart: Implementing your own experiment ============================================ General Instructions -------------------- To run the benchmark for your own alignment algorithm and assess its temporal alignment abilities, you have to implement your own algorithm as a subclass of :class:`benchmark.framework.ExamineeBase`. You could either implement it in a new ``.py`` file in ``algorithm`` and use the command-line interface for running it, or by directly implementing a subclass of :class:`benchmark.framework.ExamineeBase` in your own script and use the Python API for running it. Refer to :doc:`running` for guidance on how to run the benchmark on the examinee you implemented. Implementation Instructions --------------------------- Feeling daunted? Don't worry. Read through the following descriptions of :class:`benchmark.framework.ExamineeBase`, and you'll understand the overall workings of the examinee class in our framework. .. autoclass:: benchmark.framework.ExamineeBase :members: :noindex: We have implemented the four baseline examinees as described in :doc:`index` in ``./algorithm``. You can turn to those implementations for reference for your own implementation. After implementation, use our pre-implemented *dummy* challenge to verify and debug your implementation. .. code-block:: console $ python run_benchmark.py --algorithms=your_algorithm --challenges=Dummy --output_filename=dummy_debugging_run After that, use ``run_benchmark.py`` as described in :doc:`index` to start your experiment. The :class:`benchmark.framework.JudgeBase` class is the base class for all *Judges* (i.e. benchmark tasks). You can refer to documentations for this class to better understand the workings between *Judge* and *Examinee* . Of course, you can implemente your own *Judge* class as well. Our implementations of the three major tasks are in ``./challenges``, for your reference. .. autoclass:: benchmark.framework.JudgeBase :members: :noindex: Similarly, use the dummy examinee to verify your implementation. .. code-block:: console $ python run_benchmark.py --algorithms=Dummy --challenges=your_task --output_filename=dummy_debugging_run